cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Perspectives in catalysis: to find substitutes to noble metals for various reactions
< National Geographic- España se hace eco de la patente de un grupo de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla
23 February 2011 08:31 Age: 13 Years
Category: Conference IIQ
Dr. François Garin

Perspectives in catalysis: to find substitutes to noble metals for various reactions

23 de Febrero de 2011

Conferencia: "Perspectives in catalysis: to find substitutes to noble metals for various reactions"

Dr. François Garin (Laboratoire des Matériaux, Surfaces et Procédés pour la Catalyse, LMSPC)

Salón de Actos del cicCartuja

Miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011 - 12:00 h.


What makes a catalyst good? Do we enough understand the relation between catalytic activity and parameters characterizing the solid state of an oxide supported metal catalyst? Are we able to substitute these metals by new catalytic compounds: active oxides, carbides, nitrides? These questions are part of the challenges of the XXIth century. In addition, our understanding of the molecular ingredients of selectivity needs to be improved. Several examples will be given about catalysts used in oil refinery and automotive pollution control.

Center News

13 September 2022

Irene Díaz Moreno, nombrada Vicepresidenta de la SEBBM

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Category: cicCartuja IIQ

21 July 2022

Alejandra Pita Milleiro, premiada con el Premio SUSCHEM 2022

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Category: cicCartuja IIQ

19 July 2022

Marina Pérez Jiménez, galardonada con el Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral

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Category: cicCartuja IIQ

5 July 2022

Noureddine Khiar El Wahabi, nuevo director del cicCartuja

El director del IIQ será director de cicCartuja durante los próximos dos años.

Category: cicCartuja

1 July 2022

El investigador Javier Ramos, ganador del ICO Young Researcher Award 2022

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Category: cicCartuja

27 June 2022

La Universidad Europea Ulysseus visita el IBVF

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Category: cicCartuja IBVF

9 June 2022

Firmado el nuevo Convenio de cicCartuja

Este documento regula el funcionamiento y la organización de cicCartuja.

Category: cicCartuja