cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Spectroscopic studies of dispersion and orientation of carbon nanotubes and graphene in aqueous inks and related nanomaterials
< Javier Castillo premio al mejor TFM en ciencia de materiales 2019
19 December 2019 12:03 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference ICMS

Spectroscopic studies of dispersion and orientation of carbon nanotubes and graphene in aqueous inks and related nanomaterials

Dr. Eric Anglaret. Laboratorie Charles Coulomb, CNRS, Univeristé de Montpellier, Francia

Jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019. 12:00 h

Salón de Grados de cicCartuja


Processing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and single-layer graphene (SLG) into thin films or composite nanomaterials are key issues to take advantage of their mechanical, electrical and optical properties. In this talk, we will review our recent results, and primarily optical spectroscopy studies (absorption, Raman and photoluminescence), of the dispersion and orientation of SWNT and SLG in aqueous inks [1-10] as well as the properties of liquid crystals [1-3], thin films [3-5] or composites [6-7] prepared from these inks.

[1] Dispersion and orientation of single walled carbon nanotubes in a chromonic liquid crystal, N. Ould-Moussa et al, Liq. Cryst. 40, 1 (2013)

[2] Liquid crystals of carbon nanotubes and graphene, C. Zakri et al, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. (2013)

[3] Anisotropic thin films of single wall carbon nanotubes from aligned lyotropic nematic suspensions, C. Zamora-Ledezma et al, Nanoletters 8, 4103 (2008)

[4] Conductivity anisotropy of assembled and oriented carbon nanotubes, C. Zamora-Ledezma et al, Phys. Rev. E 85, 062701(5) (2012)

[5] Morphology and anisotropy of thin conductive inkjet printed lines of single-walled carbon nanotubes, F. Torres-Canas et al, Mat. Res. Exp. 4 (2017)

[6] Orientational order of carbon nanotubes in stretch-aligned photoluminescent composites, C. Zamora-Ledezma, et al, Phys. Rev. B 80, 113407 (2009)

[7] Dispersion and individualization of SWNT in surfactant-free suspensions and composites of hydrosoluble polymers, F. Torres-Canas et al, J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 703 (2015)

[8] Surfactant-free single-layer graphene in water, G. Bepete et al, Nat. Chem. (2016)

[9] Raman Signatures of Single Layer Graphene Dispersed in Degassed Water, “Eau de Graphene”, G. Bepete et al, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 28204 (2016)

[10] Hydroxide Ions Stabilize Open Carbon Nanotubes in Degassed Water, G. Bepete et al, ACS Nano 12, 8606 (2018) 

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