cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Sustainable energy devices using nanostructured polar materials
< Jornadas sobre colaboración Universidad-Empresa
17 December 2018 08:01 Age: 6 Years
Category: Conference

Sustainable energy devices using nanostructured polar materials

El martes 18 a las 11:00 h., organizada por el ICMS, tendremos una charla invitada del Dr. Joe Briscoe de la Universidad Queen Mary de Londres. Será en el salón de grados del edificio cicCartuja 2.


A theme that runs through much of our research is the use of nanostructured polar materials, such as piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics, to produce or enhance energy conversion from sustainable sources, such as solar and kinetic (movement and vibrations). This talk will give a tour of some of the key examples of this work, as well as giving a preview of some of the complementary work that we do in novel processing techniques for photovoltaic (PV) materials. First, an overview of our research into nanostructured piezoelectric energy harvesters using ZnO nanorods (nanogenerators) will be presented, leading into a novel application of the piezoelectric effect to enhance PVs. Examples of our past and present research into ferroelectrics for photocatalysis will then be given, and finally a preview of our recent developments in using aerosol-assisted chemical-vapour deposition (AACVD) to produce hybrid lead halide perovskite PVs.



Dr Joe Briscoe completed an MSci at the University of Durham (Grey College) in Natural Sciences, which included researching the doping of ceramic zinc oxide under Dr Andy Brinkmann. Following this he undertook a PhD with Dr Steve Dunnand Prof Rob Dorey at Cranfield University in nanostructured photovoltaic devices with a thesis titled, "Investigation of ZnO nanorod solar cells with layer-by-layer deposited CdTe quantum dot absorbers". Upon completion of his PhD, Dr Briscoe moved to Queen Mary where he worked on the development of a new type of nanostructured piezoelectric energy harvesting device using ZnO nanorods, and the investigation of functional materials as novel photocatalysts for the production of fuels (solar fuels / artificial photosynthesis) and the degradation of pollutants. Dr Briscoe's current research is focussed on investigating a range of new materials, structures and material combinations for use in nanostructured, low-cost photovoltaics and photocatalysis. This includes earth-abundant and biomass-derived (renewable) materials, oxide-based devices, hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskites and dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSC). He is also continuing to develop ZnO nanorod-based energy harvesters (nanogenerators) including exploring commercial applications.



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