cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Inorganic nanostructures: synthesis, properties, applications, and large-scale production
< Javier Castillo premio al mejor TFM en ciencia de materiales 2019
19 November 2019 12:30 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

Inorganic nanostructures: synthesis, properties, applications, and large-scale production

Dr. Alberto Escudero (Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry. Univ. of Seville, IIQ)

Viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2019. 12:30 h

Seminario cicCartuja2


The design of synthetic routes yielding monodisperse nanoparticles or nanostructures with controlled size and morphology is highly demanded in Nanotechnology, given than many of the properties of such materials may be strongly affected by their morphological characteristics. Other aspects such as surface modification and optimization of the properties also play a key role in Nanosciences. Moreover, upscaling of the synthesis and surface modification processes designed at laboratory scale is of special relevance for the industrial use of nanostructures, and thus for their commercial viability.

Several examples of the synthesis, surface modification and properties of monodisperse inorganic nanostructured materials, as well as some of their applications in biomedicine and optoelectronics will be commented on. This includes the synthesis and the optimization of the luminescence of rare earth doped nanoparticles for the bioimaging of cells and tissues, and also for the design of ratiometric sensors, the synthesis, appropriate surface modification, and large scale production of gold and silver nanoparticles for printing electronics, and the use of SiO2-based capsules for drug and gene delivery applications. 

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