cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • New types of cycloadditions based on C-H bond activation with palladium and rhodium complexes
< Alejandra Guerra, premio Pedro I a las actividades culturales en Sevilla
18 January 2019 10:59 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

New types of cycloadditions based on C-H bond activation with palladium and rhodium complexes

El viernes 19 de enero a las 12:30 h., organizada por el IIQ dentro del ciclo de conferencias 2019 "Nuevos avances en Química", tendremos una charla del Dr. Moisés Gulías de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Será en el salón de grados del edificio cicCartuja 2.


The straightforward access to heterocycles is a longstanding goal in organic synthesis since they are part of many of bioactive molecules and drugs. During the last few years our group has focused on the development of new practical methods for synthesis of heterocycles through formal cycloadditions that involved the activation of C-H bonds. This lecture will present the main results of our group towards the activation, catalyzed by Pd(II) and Rh(III) complexes, of aromatic and olefinic C-H bonds of readily available molecules and the subsequent cycloaddition process with alkynes and allenes. The mechanistic details underlying these transformations will be also presented. 


Moisés Gulías studied at the University of Santiago de Compostela where he obtained his PhD in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. José L. Mascareñas. During his PhD he carry out a short stay at Stanford University (2004) with Prof. Barry. M Trost.

Between 2007 and 2009 he was Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellow in the group of Matthew J. Gaunt at the University of Cambridge. In 2010 he returned to the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela as an assistant professor (Parga-Pondal Researcher) and in 2011 he was selected for the Ramón y Cajal program. In 2015 he received the Thieme Chemistry Journal Award and the RSEQ Young Investigator Prize. From 2016 he is permanent professor (professor contratado doctor) at the University of Santiago de Compostela.  His research interests are mainly focused on discovering new methods that enable the rapid synthesis of complex structures based on the activation of unreactive bonds.



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