cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • SUSPENDIDA: Ligand Design for Transition Metal Organometallic Transformations
< Don Antonio Paneque Guerrero, un pionero discreto
13 March 2020 10:26 Age: 4 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

SUSPENDIDA: Ligand Design for Transition Metal Organometallic Transformations

Dr. Miquel Navarro. Institute for Chemical Research (IIQ)

Viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020. 12:30 h

Salón de Grados de cicCartuja

La conferencia ha sido suspendida


Metal-ligand bond interactions serve both to modulate the electronic properties of the metal center and to influence the steric environment of the metal coordination sphere, thus providing excellent control over the structure and reactivity of the coordinated metal center. Therefore, the design and development of new ligand motifs is crucial to advance the area of organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis.1

Herein, the design and development of different class of ligands, from P-Stereogenic Phosphines2 and hemilabile/chelating P^N ligands3, to more electronically flexible ligands such as Mesoionic N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs)4 and Pyridylideneamide (PYA)5, will be discussed. In addition, special attention will be given to their use in organometallic transformation and homogenous catalysis.



[1] Lundgren R. J. and Stradiotto M., Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry: Reactivity and Catalysis, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 2016.

[2] Navarro, M., Vidal, D., Clavero, P., Grabulosa, A. and Muller G. Organometallics 2015, 34, 973–994.

[3] a) Navarro, M., Toledo, A., Joost, M., Amgoune, A., Mallet-Ladeira, S. and Bourissou, D. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 7974–7977; b) Navarro, M., Toledo, A., Mallet-Ladeira, S., Sosa-Carrizo. E. D., Miqueu, K and Bourissou, D. Chem. Sci., 2020, DOI:10.1039/c9sc06398f.

[4] Navarro, M., Wang, S., Müller-Bunz, H., Redmond, G., Farràs, P. and Albrecht. M. Organometallics 2017, 36, 1469–1478.

[5] a) Navarro, M., Li, M., Müller-Bunz, H., Bernhard, S. and Albrecht, M. Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 6740– 6745; b) Navarro, M., Smith, C. A. and Albrecht, M. Inorg. Chem. 2017,56, 11688–11701; c) Navarro, M., Rosar, V., Montini, T., Milani, B. and Albrecht, M. Organometallics 2018, 37, 3619–3630.

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