cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Single plant cell size regulation mechanisms in Arabidopsis (copy 1)
< Javier Rojo consigue la medalla Ignacio Ribas
3 July 2019 11:22 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference IBVF

Single plant cell size regulation mechanisms in Arabidopsis (copy 1)

Dr. José Manuel Estévez (Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires. Argentina 

Miércoles 3 de julio de  2019. 12:00 h

Salón de Grados cicCartuja2

One of the most intriguing questions in modern biologist how cells regulate their size. The rate at which cells grow is determined by both cell intrinsic factors and external environment signals. Root hairs are single plant cells that can expand to several hundred-fold their original size, and have emerged as an excellent model system for studying cell size regulation. Root hair size has vital physiological implications for the plant, determining the surface area: volume ratio of the all the roots exposed to the nutrient pools, thereby likely impacting nutrient uptake rates. Although the final hair size is of fundamental importance, the molecular mechanisms that control it remained largely unknown. We are studying how the developmental program, multiple hormones, and environmental cues all converge to regulate the cell expansion process in these single cells.

Key words: Arabidopsis, auxin, NADPH oxidases, peroxidases, phosphate, root hairs, ROS.

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Category: cicCartuja