cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

< Alberto Jiménez Premio Extrardinario de Doctorado 2016-2017
25 October 2019 13:37 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

Ligand and Support Effects in Metal Nanoparticle

Título:  Ligand and Support Effects in Metal Nanoparticle

Conferenciante: Dr. Luis Miguel Martínez Prieto (ITQ, Valencia)

Fecha: viernes,
25 de octubre de 2019

11:30 h

Salón de Grados cicCartuja2


The application of metal nanoparticles (MNPs) in catalysis has undergone a real revolution during the last decades.[1] This boom resides in the many advantages of MNPs, which combine the benefits of both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts. An efficient strategy to control the activity and selectivity of an MNP is the use of ancillary ligands that can transform the NP surface. As in organometallic complexes, surface ligands are able to modify the electronic and steric properties of MNPs, and therefore modify their catalytic properties.[2]

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Moreover, stabilizing ligands are also able to modulate other MNP properties such as morphology, solubility or stability. Therefore, the use of ancillary ligands in MNP catalysis opens the door of a new way to improve the selectivity and activity of a catalyst, until now mainly exploited by homogeneous catalysis. In the same way, supports are also able to modify the electronic/steric properties of immobilized MNPs. Indeed, supports not only increase the stability and recyclability of MNPs, but also can alter their catalytic properties.[3] To sum up, this talk will be centered on recent studies about the influence of ligands and supports in MNP catalysis.

[1] a) D. Astruc, Nanoparticles and Catalysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008. b) K. Philippot, P. Serp, Nanomaterials in Catalysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2013.
[2] L.M. Martínez-Prieto, B. Chaudret, Organometallic Ruthenium Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Surface Chemistry, and Insights into Ligand Coordination, Acc. Chem. Res., 2018, 51, 376-384.
[3] N.J.S. Costa, L.M. Rossi, Synthesis of supported metal nanoparticle catalysts using ligand assisted methods, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 5826-5834.


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