cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Plasma-synergistic effects: catalysing cross-disciplinary collaborations
< El ICMS organiza el segundo workshop de la red internacional CARTRIB
20 April 2017 08:30 Age: 7 Years
Category: Conference ICMS

Plasma-synergistic effects: catalysing cross-disciplinary collaborations

Titulo: Plasma-synergistic effects: catalysing cross-disciplinary collaborations

Conferenciante: Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov | Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and CSIRO, QUT-CSIRO Joint Sustainable Processes and Devices Laboratory. Australia

Fecha: jueves, 20 de abril 2017

Horario: 12:00 h

Lugar: Salón de Grados cicCartuja 2

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the key features of low-temperature plasmas that make them a versatile tool in materials science and engineering and other areas such as chemical engineering and health sciences. Particular attention will be paid on synergistic effects of plasmas with common materials and processing methods and what difference it makes in diverse applications, with particular focus where nanoscale features of materials play a role. These localized interactions have opened opportunities for fundamental research and applications in the plasma nanoscience field. The focused “what can plasma do for you” examples will be used to stimulate collaborative efforts even between researchers normally working in completely disparate fields.

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