cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Nanostructured lubricant systems for tribological applications
< María Dolores Alba (ICMS) coordinará un curso sobre Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de estado sólido
10 September 2010 09:50 Age: 14 Years
Category: ICMS PhD Thesis
Manuel David Abad Roldán

Nanostructured lubricant systems for tribological applications

Lectura de la Tesis Doctoral: "Nanostructured lubricant systems for tribological applications"

Doctorando: Manuel David Abad Roldán (ICMS)

Director: Dr. Juan Carlos Sánchez López

Salón de Actos del cicCartuja

Viernes, 10 de Septiembre de 2010 - 12:00 h.


The objective of the present work was to develop new nanostructured lubricant systems, both in the form of nanocomposites and nanoparticles, for their use as solid lubricant or lubricant additive, respectively. This process included their experimental synthesis, exhaustive microstructural and chemical characterization, and the measurements of their tribological properties in order to validate their applicability. This study has contributed substantially to understand the tribo-mechanisms at the nanoscale, and can help to design of new materials with tailored properties through the correlations established between synthesis conditions, microstructural characteristics and the mechanical and tribological behavior observed. The project has also served to identify those phenomena at the nanometric or molecular scale that were responsible for the observed behavior.

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Category: ICMS