cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

< Alejandra Guerra, premio Pedro I a las actividades culturales en Sevilla
16 January 2019 10:59 Age: 6 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

The Strenght of Weakness

El miércoles 16 a las 12:00 h., organizada por el IIQ, tendremos una charla invitada del Prof. Sten Albert OHLSON profesor emérito de Bioquímica Aplicada la Universidad Tecnológica de Nanyang, Singapur.

Será en el salón de grados del edificio cicCartuja 2.

El título de la charla es «The Strenght of Weakness»




Prof. Sten Ohlson is the inventor of WAC (Weak Affinity Chromatography) and a co-founder of Transientic Interactions AB. Apart from his academic qualifications, he is a bioentrepreneur and has founded three more companies in Sweden in the life science arena (Perstorp Biolytica, ProLiff and KalBiotech).

Sten is now professor emeritus of Applied Biochemistry at the School of Biological Sciences (SBS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, ranked 51 in the world according to Times (2018). He is recognized for his pioneering contributions in cell culture engineering (whole-cell catalysts and novel growth media) but most importantly the introduction of novel techniques in affinity chromatography (HPLAC and WAC). Further, he has introduced the concepts of transient drugs and continuous biosensors based on dynamic biological interactions. In 2017, he was the recipient of the ISMR Affinity Award for outstanding contributions to the field of affinity technology. 



Center News

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EI IES Bécquer de Sevilla, ganador del V Premio cicCartuja a Futuros Científicos

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28 April 2017

Miguel Anaya Premio “cicCartuja - Ebro Foods” para jóvenes investigadores

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12 April 2017

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12 April 2017

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7 April 2017

Miguel Anaya Premio “cicCartuja - Ebro Foods” para jóvenes investigadores

El acto público de entrega tendrá lugar en el Salón de Actos del cicCartuja el próximo 28 de abril a las 11:00 horas.

31 March 2017

Quince años del premio Nobel de Química en Catálisis Asimétrica

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18 March 2017

ICMS-sci-talks, charlas científicas impartidas por miembros del ICMS

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