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  • Synergistic Cooperation between Mechanistic Investigations and Catalysis : Towards Rational Design
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22 March 2019 12:35 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

Synergistic Cooperation between Mechanistic Investigations and Catalysis : Towards Rational Design

Título: Synergistic Cooperation between Mechanistic Investigations and Catalysis : Towards Rational Design

Conferenciante: Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano. Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)

Fecha: viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

Horario: 12:30 h

Lugar: Salón de Grados cicCartuja2

La conferencia forma parte del ciclo «Nuevos Avances en Química» del IIQ


The sustainable synthesis of relevant organic scaffolds for their use in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and materials sectors constitutes one of the most urgent challenges that the chemical community needs to overcome. Our ideal approach to tackle this problem is the rational design and development of catalytic processes based on fundamental mechanistic understanding. Surprisingly, this strategy remains a largely unresolved challenge for academic and industrial chemists.

This work will describe our recent efforts not only to provide critical mechanistic information on well-known reactivity, but also to understand, discover, design and develop more efficient transition metal-catalyzed reactions by trapping and/or synthesizing key reaction intermediates and using them as “knowledge building blocks” for rational design (Figure 1). 


Figure 1. Our approach: trapping reaction intermediates for rational design

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